

October 2015

Science Cafe: Shine bright like a diamond- Using photoluminescence for material characterisation

Come along, Monday 16th November, for a drink and chat at the Science cafe.

A monthly gathering of scientific minds, where people discuss the latest ideas and issues in their respective fields.

Free entry, 7:30pm-9:00pm. Theatre Bar, Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Penglais Campus.

Continue reading “Science Cafe: Shine bright like a diamond- Using photoluminescence for material characterisation”

Aberyswyth Arts Centre: Festival of the spoken nerd- just for graphs.

A brilliant scientific stand up comedy show is coming to Aberystwyth!

The festival of the spoken nerd will be performing at 8pm at The Arts centre on 5 November, tickets £13 students, £15 Full price.

Watch the hilarious trailer and click here to book now .        @FOTSN

Continue reading “Aberyswyth Arts Centre: Festival of the spoken nerd- just for graphs.”

PHYSOC: Lunar Eclipse 28.09.15

 PHYSOC: Lunar Eclipse 28.09.15

In the earlier hours of Monday morning, on28th September, nearly 70 students attended  PHYSOC’s, The Aberystwyth University’s Physics Society, Lunar eclipse event!

Many people were able to witness this spectacular event which was visible from much of America, Europe, Africa and the middle east.

This event was made even more special by the fact that it coincided with a Super Moon, or as its scientifically known, a Perigee Moon. Super Moon’s occur when the moon makes its closest approach to the Earth on its elliptical orbit, the Moon would have appeared up to 14% larger in diameter and 30% brighter.

Jamie Dumayne, a Physics Student at Aberystwyth and Treasurer of PHYSOC, tells us a little about the event.

In the early hours of the morning on Monday 28th September there was a big event in the lunar calendar, a lunar eclipse. This is when the Earth gets in between the Moon and the Sun. When the Moon is in the Earth’s shadow (the Umbra) the only light that falls on the Moon is light that refracts through the Earth’s atmosphere, causing the Moon to turn red. Continue reading “PHYSOC: Lunar Eclipse 28.09.15”

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